While information regarding next version of Windows (well-known Windows 8 or Windows vNext) are on peak and Microsoft is hard at work to deliver the future of Windows operating system. We with inferse.com have conceptualized and made a Windows 8 theme pack for Windows 7 to say Thank You to Windows team.

Windows 8 theme pack has 4 wallpapers and uses built-in sound scheme Afternoon. All wallpapers are showcasing new Windows logo (leaked) with Microsoft tag line “Be what’s next.” with colors of Windows flag.

Windows 8 theme pack
Windows 8 Theme pack for Windows 7

To install, just download and run the .theme pack. The wallpapers are set to change every 30 minutes, but feel free to choose your own. We hope you like it!

“Be what’s next” is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.


Windows 8 theme pack for Windows 7


Additionally you may like to try following Windows Valley theme packs for Windows 7.

45 responses to “Download: Windows 8 theme pack for Windows 7”

  1. nickster Avatar

    i really want windows 8

  2. Priteshawasthi10 Avatar

    Very good.

  3. mihkelraptor Avatar

    So why is this random theme that has nothing to do with Windows 8 called “Windows 8 Theme Pack”?

  4. Alexa_resta Avatar

    Good Looking

  5. Gokul Avatar


  6. vamsi balagam Avatar
    vamsi balagam

    this is same as windows 7 there is no change there is change in wallpaper only

  7. bruce Avatar

    big up microsoft

  8. joyal Avatar


  9. osman Avatar

    window 8 is very very good but is too late please be fast!!!!

    1. amrish Avatar

      have a win8?how can you download win8?

  10. Shahed Avatar

    nice………….i like it

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