Surprised? But its true! Here is the next giveaway to our readers to celebrate this Christmas with Windows 7.

We are holding this giveaway to kick off the Week 4 of Christmas Giveaways. The gift is the full version of Windows 7 Ultimate that we got in our Windows 7 Party Pack. Since we have already Windows 7, therefore this extra copy of Windows 7 is being offered to our readers. The package will be consist of 32-bit and 64-bit DVDs with Genuine Product Key.

Windows 7 Ultimate

You can grab this opportunity and get Windows 7 Ultimate at no cost, just do the following:

1. Subscriber to Newsletter: Just type your email address and complete the subscription request. (A verification mail will be delivered to Inbox, follow the mail to verify the subscription to complete the request)

2. Reply a valuable comment on the post: Use the same email address that is subscribed for daily newsletter, otherwise you won’t be eligible for these giveaways. We expect you’ll give your honest opinion about products (liking & disliking), because it would be helpful to improve future releases.

3. Follow us on and Re-tweet our tweets: If you don’t have a Twitter account, sign up at Follow us @WindowsValley on Twitter and checkout our Tweet and Re-tweet them (or copy and paste the message in full into a new tweet of your own)

All the Best! We will announce the lucky winner on Christmas at 8:00PM PST

Winner Announced

82 responses to “GIVEAWAY: Win free Windows 7 Ultimate DVD worth $319”

  1. Sriram Avatar

    I really enjoy following you @twitter. I have been updating my self with your posts.
    And, thanks for this giveaway.

  2. bousaid Avatar

    Yea! This would be great. I like this

  3. Ed Avatar

    WOW ! THAT is really cool , I am registered Ramesh please count this as my entry . Windows 7 is the best operating system ever .
    I would really love to win this one .

    Congratulations on the new website UI ! , looks great .

  4. Vasu Avatar

    Great work out there RK.. and a cool giveaway… i would like to grab this Giveaway atleast… :) and yeah new WindowsValley looks much better.

  5. Nitin Avatar

    This is the best gift going to be given in the whole christmas giveaway…..
    Windows 7 Ultimate signature edition…… is awesome, best new year gift for anybody !!

    great giveaway Ramesh, Already subscribed the newsletter, following WindowsValley on twitter and retweeting about the contest !!

    Hope I will also get counted….thanks !!

  6. Mad Geek @ beingPC Avatar
    Mad Geek @ beingPC

    Really nice giveaway Ramesh.
    May be this Christmas goes lucky for me…

    and Oh I am already subscribed and following you.

  7. PChammer Avatar

    I was fortunate to use Windows 7 at our college and wish I could afford to buy it for my son as it’s the single best operating system out there. I was an XP pro junkie for years and quite honestly, didn’t like Vista and couldn’t afford that one either, I only make enough to pay the bills which is good enough for me, but when I used Windows 7 for a few weeks, I thought, now THERE’S an operating system and if I can buy it, I WILL. I can’t believe how well it runs for what it has, stable, looks great, doesn’t use up system resources, basically lighter than Vista and operates like XP only far better. I beta tested 7 as well and it ran flawlessly for me. I can honestly say, this is the first OS that I would wake up to and look forward to using. I love the aero features and putting icons in the task bar, keeping a clean desktop. All in all, I feel MS did a wonderful job and I hope future versions follow the same path!

    1. PChammer Avatar

      My twitter… @PChammer2000

  8. Chethan Shenava Avatar
    Chethan Shenava

    I would like to work with Windows 7. Reviews are not good for W7. Most of the users who use XP or any other version dont prefer to go for Windows 7 because of some issues in it.

  9. Ashwin Rao Avatar
    Ashwin Rao

    Love to have Windows 7 Ultimate! Heard a lot good things about Windows 7. It would be the best product from MicroSoft to retain its leadership in current OS battleground! Hope, it is free of bugs which are present in Vista.

    1. Ashwin Rao Avatar
      Ashwin Rao

      My twitter id is: ashwinnooyi.

      Ashwin Rao

  10. retsamtsop Avatar

    Windows 7 really should have been released as Vista SP2. It is exactly what Vista should have and could have been and there aren’t quite enough new features to make it worthy of a separate release. That said, I am recommending Windows 7 for desktop PC use to everyone who uses my tech consulting business.