The article describes step by step intructions to install Firefox or other web browser on Windows 7 E. This includes Windows 7 E Home Premium, Windows 7 E Professional, Windows 7 E Ultimate and Windows 7 E Starter editions. This version of Windows 7 will not include a browser (for example: it will not come with Internet Explorer 8).

As a result, you will need to separately install a web browser to surf internet, for instance here is the guide to install for Firefox without Internet Explorer.

How To:

1. Run Command Prompt and run the following commands. (make sure internet is connected)


2. Type User Name: anonymous and password: ****** (specify a password any thing but something ;) not blank)

3. After successful login, change directory to: /pub/ You may alter language and release version as per latest release available.

cd /pub/

4. Now execute the command to get Firefox package.

mget *.exe

5. Press enter to start downloading Firefox package, that will be downloaded in your user profile folder.

Install Firefox on Windows 7 E or any other web browser

With help of these instructions, you can download Opera too.


Directory path: /pub/opera/win/1000b2/en

Applies To:

  • Windows 7 E Ultimate
  • Windows 7 E Professional
  • Windows 7 E Home Premium
  • Windows 7 E Starter

3 responses to “Install Firefox on Windows 7 E or any other web browser”

  1. ArvindK Avatar

    Thanks.. itss really great and helpful for all users there, and now they can taste Firefox on their Windows 7 E.

  2. Ganesh Avatar

    Amazing way to install Firefox or Opera.

    many UK guys will thank you for this

  3. Nitin Avatar

    that’s a pretty good trick. many UK guys will thank you for this ;)

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