Surprised? But its true! Here is the next giveaway to our readers to celebrate this Christmas with Windows 7.

We are holding this giveaway to kick off the Week 4 of Christmas Giveaways. The gift is the full version of Windows 7 Ultimate that we got in our Windows 7 Party Pack. Since we have already Windows 7, therefore this extra copy of Windows 7 is being offered to our readers. The package will be consist of 32-bit and 64-bit DVDs with Genuine Product Key.

Windows 7 Ultimate

You can grab this opportunity and get Windows 7 Ultimate at no cost, just do the following:

1. Subscriber to Newsletter: Just type your email address and complete the subscription request. (A verification mail will be delivered to Inbox, follow the mail to verify the subscription to complete the request)

2. Reply a valuable comment on the post: Use the same email address that is subscribed for daily newsletter, otherwise you won’t be eligible for these giveaways. We expect you’ll give your honest opinion about products (liking & disliking), because it would be helpful to improve future releases.

3. Follow us on and Re-tweet our tweets: If you don’t have a Twitter account, sign up at Follow us @WindowsValley on Twitter and checkout our Tweet and Re-tweet them (or copy and paste the message in full into a new tweet of your own)

All the Best! We will announce the lucky winner on Christmas at 8:00PM PST

Winner Announced

82 responses to “GIVEAWAY: Win free Windows 7 Ultimate DVD worth $319”

  1. Linu Avatar

    super offer, win 7 is great . I use the Rc1 so i would love to win this.all the best to everyone. Oh I am already subscribed to the newsletter.Thanks

  2. Shahnawaz Avatar

    Would love to Win a liscence for Modified Vista i.e-Windows 7

  3. Andrew Avatar

    I would like to win so i can try 64bit windows and better use my computer hardware.

  4. Jeff Avatar

    How are you? Would be very happy to win this giveaway. Would be nice to finally have something up to date.

    Happy holidays to you.

  5. Cliff Avatar

    Heres my tweet:

    So far, Windows 7 seems GREAT. My old friend had Windows 7 and I used to go over his house everyday to mess around with it, until he moved =(. Everything runs really smooth and not that many problems with it. The best part I love about Windows 7 is that you dont need Installation CDs for most of the programs. Out of all the great features, i think the one where you drag a program to the corner to maximize it is pretty annoying; Sometimes when im trying to make a program fit with another program, it will maximize it over and over. Other than that, everything is GREAT!!!

  6. Vickie Bartlett Avatar
    Vickie Bartlett

    Thanks for the giveaway. I would love the chance to use Windows 7, especially the Ultimate version. From what I’ve heard, Windows 7 is a lot better than Vista. I’m not a great Vista fan.

    I follow on Twitter and retweeted and I subscribed to your newsletter

  7. Pearce Smithwick Avatar
    Pearce Smithwick

    Great idea for a contest. One of the best features of Windows 7 is the much improved ‘XP Compatibility Mode’. Allowing XP to run as a built-in virtual operating system removes one of the main roadblocks cited as preventing users from upgrading, i.e. the inability to support specific programs that will run uner XP and not Vista or 7.

    I am also now following you on Twitter – my account is @pearcesmithwick and I did a retweet of your contest as well.

  8. James Lytle Avatar
    James Lytle

    Thanks for this exciting contest. Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays! Tweeting from @jamesintucson

  9. Sonya Allstun Avatar
    Sonya Allstun

    I also followed you on twitter username @blueeyeleo and tweeted

  10. Sonya Allstun Avatar
    Sonya Allstun

    I cant wait to try out this operating system. I havent even had a chance to see it in action yet and am very excited about some of the new features I have been reading about. Especially the fact that it isnt a operating system that bogs down your computer. Thanks for such a great giveaway!